Painting from Observation (Zebra Finch 5 x 7)

On tuesday I decided to paint from observation. Take a quick look at an object and then recollect what I saw and paint it without looking at it again. The objective was to improve my observation skills. I decided I would paint caged zebra finches at the Chemung Valley Montessori school. I requested preschool teachers Jennifer and Maria to do this after their school hours and instead got invited to paint in class. Since the audience of 3 to 6 yr olds seemed forgiving I agreed.

I set up and started to draw. Boy, was that a mistake. Those finches did not even pose for 1 complete second for me. They moved and never seemed to settle back in the same pose. The prettiest of the two was even more audacious. Just refused to keep the same pose :-(

Now not only was I challenging myself I actually risked being a complete idiot in front of 20 young kids. I finally overcame my nerves , mustered enough courage, focused on my observation and here's the result.

Needless to say my audience was spellbound :-) LOL . "You are a really good artist to paint like that" said a little kid. "I want to be an artist" said another. I got loads of thank yous and hugs. "I should paint more in front of young children", I was making a mental note to my new inspired self as I returned to the stilllife waiting for me at home.


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